Magnetic Laundry System - What You Should Know

Magnetic Laundry System - What You Should Know

The Magnetic Laundry System (MLS) from Water Liberty would assist you in more ways than one. There are lots of advantages to select a magnetic laundry system over ordinary chemical laundry detergent like improving your skin, health, making your clothing last longer, and even saving you money. It can be used for children and adults alike. You may be wondering how this magnetic laundry system works and how it can benefit you. Well, read on and find out.

When the laundry detergent spins around inside a dryer, lots of pollutants and debris from your clothes get stuck on the rotating surfaces and float away into space. While most clothes are pre-treated with chemicals to prevent them from absorbing moisture and color, some clothes are still contaminated with dirt and stain from the previous laundering process. With a magnetic laundry system, the magnets attached to the detergent-coated plates retain the dirt and stain and pull it out of the fabric. This prevents your clothes from having soiled areas that are impossible to remove no matter how much detergent you use.

Other advantages of using a magnetic laundry system is that the magnets are attracted to each other and do not repel each other. They tend to cling to each other like waxes do to soap. This leads to stronger magnetism and less friction, which translate to more gentle cleaning action and less damage to the fabric as a whole. The magnets have a natural attraction to each other and work like a natural cling tag.

So why would anyone opt to use a magnetic laundry system instead of conventional harsh chemical detergents? Aside from the fact that they are gentler on the fabric, they have less impact on the environment. Unlike harsh chemical detergents that strip the fabric of its natural oils and lanolin, a magnetic laundry system pulls these oils away from the surface of the fabric and through a drain that is hidden from sight. This means that there is no longer any need to concern yourself with what chemicals may be lurking in your kitchen cupboard or bathroom sink. Magnetic detergents do not leave a sticky residue behind on the surface of your clothes.  magnetic laundry system discount  is because they are so gentle on the fabric.

The magnets in the magnetic laundry system adhere to the surface of your clothes and pull them through the water before they ever get inside the washing machine. The most effective detergents for this type of system use sodium silicate. There is another type of detergent on the market that is made from aluminum oxide. This ingredient is known as adya clarity.

Both types of laundry systems are effective, however, sodium silicates are far gentler on fabric than aluminum oxide. The downside to aluminum oxide is that it will eventually break down and release chemicals into the water you are using for washing your clothing. These chemicals are believed to have some links to the development of cancer. This is why the use of a magnetic laundry system makes more sense.

If you own one of the many magnetic washing machines available today, you may notice that there is more "spin" than with traditional detergents. This is simply because the magnets attract the water molecules onto themselves. As a result, the water spins much faster and your clothes come out more wrinkle free. Many experts believe that this extra spinning action makes a magnetic laundry system much more eco-friendly. It also allows for much more direct spinning, which allows for less water to be wasted. These are some of the reasons that this laundry system has become so popular in recent years.

You can find a magnetic laundry system for about half the cost of conventional laundry detergents. This is one reason that you should definitely consider investing in a system like this. Your clothes will be cleaner, fresher and wrinkle free with every wash. No longer will you have to purchase expensive cleaning detergents to get your clothes clean.